“One-Legged Uncle Jesse” by Mike Morris is a heartfelt story that spans generations of the Sargent family in Alabama, exploring the profound effects of history and cultural identity through the experiences of Jesse, a war veteran who lost a leg in combat. This loss is not just a personal tragedy but a reflection of the larger struggles faced by his family and the Creek Nation against a backdrop of historical injustices.
Set in the rich and tumultuous environment of the Southern United States, the novel delves into Jesse’s life, whose name means “God’s gift,” highlighting the clash between his personal challenges and societal expectations. As the Sargent family navigates their intertwined past and present, the story reveals their journey of resilience, identity, and the search for meaning amidst cultural pressures.
With vivid characterizations and emotionally charged storytelling, “One-Legged Uncle Jesse” offers a compelling look at how history impacts personal and collective identities. It’s a universally relatable tale that connects deep personal losses with broader cultural survival, making it a powerful and engaging read for anyone interested in the complexities of heritage and personal growth.
How Did They Let You Become a Teacher is the mostly real memoirs of a mostly real character named Mo Mickus. Through a series of short stories – stories beginning at his birth – Mo’s lack of understanding is revealed as he goes from school to school – ten before starting the 11th grade. His dull understanding of all things attributes to Mo’s dark side flourishing and he soon launches a war against society – particularly school and his teachers.
After a very brief and unpleasant stint in the USAF, Mo encounters a Buddhist life philosophy which helps him to begin changing his life. At age 40 – when life is said to begin – in what appears to be karmic retribution, Mo becomes a middle school teacher. However, he is able to shine a light into his dark side and use what he finds there. He attempts to create value and to help himself and others. Raising his condition of life, Mo leaves the lower worlds to transform his karma – both good and bad – into a mission.